From the Desk of Mr. Zissman

The musings of an over-stimulated mind

Archive for the ‘30 Day Music Challenge’ Category

30 DAY MUSIC CHALLENGE: Day 18 – A Song That You Wish You Heard on the Radio

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“Move Your Feet” ~ Junior Senior

What exactly defines a tune as infectious? Is it the beat or the rhythm or even the vocals? It’s hard to pin-point exactly what makes a song catchy or makes us want to dance ourselves silly to it, but this little gem does. I remember the first time I heard this song and it was back in 2003 when I had just moved out of my parents’ house and headed right off of downtown Mansfield to a road known only as Douglas Ave. The crazy things that happened on Douglas Ave would be enough to fill several blog entries, but this entry isn’t about that Magical Place.

I had just moved in and was busy painting my new bedroom into something a little less pink. I had my CDs in my car and was too lazy to go get them and asked my brother to put something on and he chose this CD. No joke, I was instantly hooked. The rest of the CD was okay, but this was the shining gem of them all. It’s so happy and dance-able. If someone could translate what a sugar high from eating too much Pixie Sticks would sound like, it’s this. But there’s no horrible crash afterwards, just non-stop dancing and energy. Like some sort of Nick Jr version of Andrew WK.

I don’t think I’ve ever heard this song on the radio, which is a shame. It’s a perfect driving jam (or Party Car as some might be inclined to say!) and could bring some audio-sunshine to any cloudy day. It’s also my choice for Day 18, so c’mon everybody and move your feet!

Written by MrZissman

08/04/2011 at 9:44 AM

30 DAY MUSIC CHALLENGE: Day 17 – A Song You Hear Often on the Radio

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I’m baaaaaaaaaaack! Sorry for the hiatus, but I was getting kinda burned out on these and decided to take a few day breather. In the meantime, I pursued some venues which I hope will give this blog the exposure it so rightfully desires.

For starts, I am now a member of Goodblogs and have posted an entry that you can get access to by CLICKING THESE MAGICAL WORDS WHICH WILL TRANSPORT YOU TO A LAND OF MAKE-BELIEVE AND GUM-DROP UNICORN KISSES. When you visit this website, be sure to register an account (it’s free and takes less than 5 minutes) and click the LIKE button in the left hand side. If I can get enough likes clicked, my blog goes to the front page and I get $20! Neat, huh?

Secondly, I am now a contributing writer to which seems to be a pretty cool website. I’m spoken for, obviously, so it’s not going to work out, but if you’re a single nerd looking for that special someone to download bootleg anime with or argue about DC vs Marvel while having an intense sexy-time session, well, this is the place to go. My first article is a review of the new Captain America movie. CLICK THIS LINK, SOLIDER. FOR AMERICA!

Now, on with the show.

“E.T.” ~ Katy Petty feat. Kanye West

Look, I won’t lie, I like Katy Perry. I think she’s cute, I like her songs and think she has a nice voice. I also like Kanye West and yes, I am fully aware of the “I’ma let you finish…” fiasco he did several years ago. I think he’s one of the most talented lyricists out now and his latest album is just completely brilliant. So you would think putting Kanye and Katy together on a song would be gold, right? Wrong. “E.T” was a strong contender for song I hate, but was barely edged out by His Bieberness.

Anyway, as much as I disliked the song, apparently the rest of the world loved it because EVERY. SINGLE. STATION. played this song in their rotation, often several times a day. It was torture. I couldn’t stand her voice in the song, not to mention Kanye’s rhymes were just terrible. “Tell me what’s next/Alien sex!


Thankfully, the radio has replaced it with her latest single “Last Friday Night” which is a thousand times better. Occasionally a radio station will play “E.T”, but it’s starting to fade away. And that’s a good thing. Not only is  “Friday Night” better, but it had Clarence (of Bruce Springsteen fame) absolutely dominating it on the saxophone.

But back to “E.T”, it’s just awful. Horrible. And yet it was on near constant loop, like a Satan’s iPod playlist. It’d be in the playlist called “SONGS TO TORTURE FORNICATORS TO” But hey, at least it’s not “Baby”

Written by MrZissman

07/28/2011 at 10:44 AM